Top 5 Book Planners: Best Planners and Journals for Writers

If you're struggling to stay productive and organized while writing your book, consider using a book planner.

Top 5 Book Planners for Writers

Much like preparing for a battle, planning is key to a successful book-writing process.

As Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.”

But what makes a good book-writing plan, and how do you go about creating one?

Fortunately, there are numerous practical and user-friendly book planners available, both in physical and digital formats, all designed specifically for writers.

Here are our top five book planners to help you plan your book.

Top 5 Physical Book Planners

  1. The Write Plan Planner by The Write Practice. This daily planner is designed to help writers finish their books and get published, and is created and sold by us! Cost: $39. Get it here.
  2. 52 Weeks of Writing: Author Journal and Planner by Mariëlle S. Smith. This weekly planner is designed to help writers develop a sustainable writing practice and includes thought-provoking quotes and prompts. Cost: $34.99. Get it here.
  3. Your Words Count: A Writing and Editing Planner to Help You Finish Your Book by Lacey Impellizeri. This large-format, six-month writing and editing journal is designed to help writers develop the discipline needed to finish their books. Cost: $12.99. Get it here.
  4. Writer's Workbook: A Personal Planner with Tips, Checklists and Guidelines by Tanja Hanika. This paperback notebook provides clear guidelines, checklists, and planning structures for aspiring writers. Cost: $14.53. Get it here.
  5. The Ultimate Author Planner by Author Blueprints. This set of printable plans is designed to help writers through every step of the writing, publishing, and marketing process. Cost: $8.87. Get it here.

Need some story ideas to get you started? Check out our top 100 story ideas here.